Holy Saturday 2010

This day is also known as "The Day Christ laid in the tomb", due to the fact that after we read the 14th Station, Christ is buried. And thus on that Saturday we are in a hopeful vigil to see the return of our Lord and King, Jesus Christ. In the Gospels, the final passage we come across is, "Christ was then laid in the tomb, with a large boulder covering its entrance, and Christ laid there for 3 days, until Sunday when rose again." This is what we see/hear of Christ before he Resurrects on Sunday. Little is know about what took place within the tomb of Christ before the Glorious and Triumphant Sunday.

In the primitive Church Holy Saturday was known as Great, or Grand, Saturday, Holy Saturday, the Angelic Night, the Vigil of Easter, etc. It is no longer, like Maundy Thursday, a day of joy, but one of joy and sadness intermingled; it is the close of the season of Lent and penance, and the beginning of paschal time, which is one of rejoicing. The night of the vigil of Easter has undergone a strange displacement. During the first six or seven centuries, ceremonies were in progress throughout the entire night, so that the Alleluia coincided with the day and moment of the Resurrection.

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